Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tony "Bada Bing"

Yo! It's freakin Tony "Bada Bing" ova here! Looks like a character straight out of "The Sopranos". I ran into this guy last summer on the Atlantic City boardwalk where he was singing & dancing and clearly drunk out of his mind. He is one among many that were staggering and stumbling up and down the boardwalk looking for a handout. In a city that sees millions of dollars pissed down the slot machines and millions more lost with every throw of the dice do we see the other end of the spectrum...the "Lovable Loser". This guy looks like he doesn't have a pot to piss in, yet he still seems happy. Maybe it's the inebriated state of mind caused by the "sterno-can cocktale" that he found in the garbage between Caesars and Ballys...or maybe society has worn him down to the point where he just gave up. Welcome Tony "Bada Bing"!...Welcome. Welcome to Society's Outcasts!

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