Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Inspiration..."I have fallen and I can't get up"

One Saturday in March 2007 I was driving on a main street somewhere in Philly, PA. While I was sitting at a traffic light I notice this guy laying at the bottom of these steps. Unfortunately, I was in a rush to get somewhere so I wasn't able to photograph him, HOWEVER, approximately an hour and a half later I was driving back and I noticed he was still there, AND he had not moved an inch. So, I whipped out my camera and took this shot. He resembles a bloated Axl Rose from Guns N Roses. He has become My Inspiration and I am please to be dedicating this blog "Society's Outcasts" to him. He taught me a very important lesson in life..."when life hits you hard and you fall down, don't bother getting back up". Thank you...whoever you are.

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