Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Next President or Society's Outcast?

I usually like to blog and joke about bizzare, weird and humorous people & things within our unique and diverse society. It's that uniqueness that makes the United States so GREAT! Unfortunately, today's blog is not so funny but it is rather strange. Strange because you have a person here running for the President of the United States and he refuses to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, and as the article stated, refused to say the "Pledge..." as well. Yes, we are talking about Senator Barack Obama pictured here with Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin standing during the national anthem. I don't care if you're Liberal or Conservative, Right Wing or Left, Muslim, Jewish or Christian, African-American, Asian or White, or whatever you are or believe in...I know one thing...it is UN-AMERCIAN. This complete disregard and lack of respect for our Country is appalling and offensive to me and should be to all Americans. However it is not, considering how well he is doing in the Democratic Primary. Obama is leading a very large group of blind Americans down a mis-guided path, that if elected President, will no doubt cast our Country downward to a future of misfortune, ruin and destruction. The one question I have is, if he doesn't pledge allegiance to the U.S. Flag, where does he pledge his allegiance too? That...is a scary thought. Only time will tell if he is to be our next Commander-in-Chief or should our Society realize and decide that he is the ultimate Outcast.

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