Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Bigfoot on Mars?

Is this really Bigfoot? If so, it is taking a leisurely stroll during some hiking trip...on MARS! This photo was taken in 2004 by NASA's Mars explorer Spirit, and there appears to be a human-like "monster" walking upright with a startingly resemblence to the famous Bigfoot photo. Personally, I think this is another Martian hoax because when I was in New York City last year I came across this Sasquatch in the Tribeca section of lower Manhattan. As proof, I took this photo (shown below) and I decided to contact the History Channel with the hopes of having my incredible story explained on Monster Quest. Believe me, I am no expert Cryptozoologist but I know a Bigfoot when I see one...and that looks like a Bigfoot to me! I tried to get a closer look to get a better photo but the putrid stench of ripple and urine oozing from this menacing creature was so repulsive I had to cover my nose and mouth and turn away. By that time, this creature had slipped down an allyway and through to the next street. That was my first and only encounter with the legendary monster.

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