Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Disney's Outcasts: Mickey and Mommy Boobs

WTF...Isn't there anything sacred no more? Looks like Mickey and Minnie are perking up these days! Imagine the Horror on the faces of the little 4 year old kids that had to bare witness to this. They will need psychiatric help for the rest of their lives. If I was the head of Disney I'd ban these two tramps (Mom and Daughter) FOR LIFE! But then again Britney Spears younger sister gets knocked up at 16 years old and the Disney executives decide to write a story about teenage pregnancy. Knowing those money whores at Disney they'll sign these two up and have them work the Dumbo Ride or greet the guests as they walk through Cinderella's Castle. BTW, check out Pimp Daddy (the baldheaded guy to the right of them). He's got that pedophile look to him, doesn't he? He'll probably end up on Dateline's "To Catch a Predator".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This took place at a mardi gras celebration, not on Disney Property...I'd say any parent bringing their child out to mardi gras is going to have a child traumatized by more than this...

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