Friday, February 15, 2008

The Freakshows of Yesterday and Today

Freaks, Human Oddities and Midgets were just a few of the attractions that made Sideshows in the early part of the Twentieth Century such a huge draw. These so called Outcasts of Society that were stared at and ridiculed by much of the public seemed to find a common ground and family-like atomsphere among each other while part of the Sideshow. Whether it was the traveling circus or the many famous Coney Island Freakshows, these Outcasts found a home. (pictured is Lionel, the Lion-faced Man)

Although today's political correctiveness has reduced the famous Sideshows of yesteryear to a microcosim of their former stature, there are still quite a few attractions at Sideshows at the Seashore in Coney Island that will still amaze, astonish, and at times DISTURB you. Just check out one of Diamond Donny V (A.K.A Donny Vomit) performances.

Also check out the following link by Miss Cellania titled Coney Island Freaks of Yesterday and Today. It's a very nice historical article with photo's of many Sideshow Freaks and Performers.

...and if you like the weird, check out the 1932 horror movie Freaks (64 minutes) directed and produced by Tod Browning (director of the 1931 horror movie Dracula starring Bela Lugosi). At the time, it's deformed cast was so shocking to moviegoers that the film was banned in the United Kingdom for thirty years!

Click on the following link to check out the movie Freaks.

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