Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Have you ever watched "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern" on the Travel Channel? WTF! This guy travels the globe experiencing the many different cultures through FOOD! Have you ever seen what he eats? The list goes on and on. From fertilized duck embryos and worms the size of golf balls in the Philippines, to crispy Snake skin, spring roll and sauteed Cobra with chillies and lemon grass at the Snake Festival in Le Mat, Vietnam (BTW, prior to preparing the snake in the kitchen, the restaurant was more than happy to gut and bleed the snake at the table). Oh! don't forget he has had his share of bull testicles in Madrid, Spain and an assortment of eyeballs, various types of insects and "other" organ meats to wet your palette. Hey, watch for his experience in Morocco when he chows down on some "Mystery Meat", whatever that is! Check out the link below:

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