Friday, March 14, 2008

Female Teacher Sexpidemic

What a beauty? So natural and innocent with gleaming blond hair. She would make the perfect girl to take home to mom...and your 14 year brother! Yes, if you remember correctly, this is the infamous Debra Lafave who used to be a reading teacher at a middle school in Florida. She gained infamy when she was charged with statutory rape, after having illegal sexual relations with a minor in 2004. Where was she when I was 14 years old? Ha, Ha, Ha.

The Teacher Sexpidemic trend just keeps repeating itself since another middle school teacher, yes Florida again, was arrested and charged for having sex with a 14 year old. Her name...Stephanie Ragusa (photo below) is currently a 7th grade math teacher at Martinez Middle School in Tampa.

See the full story on the following link:,2933,337808,00.html Also, check out the next link. You won't believe the LONG comprehensive list of female teacher sex offenders shown. It provides photos for quite a few of them as well as a brief background to their crime.

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