Friday, March 14, 2008

The Original Fat Bastard

Another hilariously funny photo from our good friends at I wonder what his parents look like. OMG!

Female Teacher Sexpidemic

What a beauty? So natural and innocent with gleaming blond hair. She would make the perfect girl to take home to mom...and your 14 year brother! Yes, if you remember correctly, this is the infamous Debra Lafave who used to be a reading teacher at a middle school in Florida. She gained infamy when she was charged with statutory rape, after having illegal sexual relations with a minor in 2004. Where was she when I was 14 years old? Ha, Ha, Ha.

The Teacher Sexpidemic trend just keeps repeating itself since another middle school teacher, yes Florida again, was arrested and charged for having sex with a 14 year old. Her name...Stephanie Ragusa (photo below) is currently a 7th grade math teacher at Martinez Middle School in Tampa.

See the full story on the following link:,2933,337808,00.html Also, check out the next link. You won't believe the LONG comprehensive list of female teacher sex offenders shown. It provides photos for quite a few of them as well as a brief background to their crime.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Clayton Bigsby: An Outcast within Outcasts

Clayton Bigsby the African-American leader of the Klu Klux Klan! That's correct, this is not a misprint. As you can see in the photo, Clayton Bigsby is an African-American, AND he is the leader of a chapter of one of the most notorious White Supremacist organizations in the United States - The Klu Klux Klan! If you don't believe me, then watch the clip:

Just kidding...this is from Comedy Central's "The Chappelle Show". What an incredible funny clip that only Dave Chappelle could pull off.

Creepy Gnome or Klu Klux Klan Midget?

What the hell is this? Could it be that the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan is a midget! it a garden gnome gone wild! Check out the link below a read about it...AND check out the creepy video as well.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Riding the Hammer

Sticking with the Shark theme, this mermaid looks like she enjoys Riding the Hammer.

Hammer Time

Check out this freaky photo of a HUGE Hammer-head Shark. This 13-foot, 1,000-pound monster was caught off of Singer Island in Palm Beach County, Florida by Fritz Van Der Grifd. Kinda looks like that old cartoon Jabberjaw.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fashion Freaks: Paris Fashion Week 2008

Is this fashion? WTF! These are just a couple of models showing off the latest fashions at Paris Fashion Week this year. Are they beautiful or what! Check out all of the photos at the following:
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