Friday, March 14, 2008

The Original Fat Bastard

Another hilariously funny photo from our good friends at I wonder what his parents look like. OMG!

Female Teacher Sexpidemic

What a beauty? So natural and innocent with gleaming blond hair. She would make the perfect girl to take home to mom...and your 14 year brother! Yes, if you remember correctly, this is the infamous Debra Lafave who used to be a reading teacher at a middle school in Florida. She gained infamy when she was charged with statutory rape, after having illegal sexual relations with a minor in 2004. Where was she when I was 14 years old? Ha, Ha, Ha.

The Teacher Sexpidemic trend just keeps repeating itself since another middle school teacher, yes Florida again, was arrested and charged for having sex with a 14 year old. Her name...Stephanie Ragusa (photo below) is currently a 7th grade math teacher at Martinez Middle School in Tampa.

See the full story on the following link:,2933,337808,00.html Also, check out the next link. You won't believe the LONG comprehensive list of female teacher sex offenders shown. It provides photos for quite a few of them as well as a brief background to their crime.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Clayton Bigsby: An Outcast within Outcasts

Clayton Bigsby the African-American leader of the Klu Klux Klan! That's correct, this is not a misprint. As you can see in the photo, Clayton Bigsby is an African-American, AND he is the leader of a chapter of one of the most notorious White Supremacist organizations in the United States - The Klu Klux Klan! If you don't believe me, then watch the clip:

Just kidding...this is from Comedy Central's "The Chappelle Show". What an incredible funny clip that only Dave Chappelle could pull off.

Creepy Gnome or Klu Klux Klan Midget?

What the hell is this? Could it be that the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan is a midget! it a garden gnome gone wild! Check out the link below a read about it...AND check out the creepy video as well.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Riding the Hammer

Sticking with the Shark theme, this mermaid looks like she enjoys Riding the Hammer.

Hammer Time

Check out this freaky photo of a HUGE Hammer-head Shark. This 13-foot, 1,000-pound monster was caught off of Singer Island in Palm Beach County, Florida by Fritz Van Der Grifd. Kinda looks like that old cartoon Jabberjaw.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fashion Freaks: Paris Fashion Week 2008

Is this fashion? WTF! These are just a couple of models showing off the latest fashions at Paris Fashion Week this year. Are they beautiful or what! Check out all of the photos at the following:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Have you ever watched "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern" on the Travel Channel? WTF! This guy travels the globe experiencing the many different cultures through FOOD! Have you ever seen what he eats? The list goes on and on. From fertilized duck embryos and worms the size of golf balls in the Philippines, to crispy Snake skin, spring roll and sauteed Cobra with chillies and lemon grass at the Snake Festival in Le Mat, Vietnam (BTW, prior to preparing the snake in the kitchen, the restaurant was more than happy to gut and bleed the snake at the table). Oh! don't forget he has had his share of bull testicles in Madrid, Spain and an assortment of eyeballs, various types of insects and "other" organ meats to wet your palette. Hey, watch for his experience in Morocco when he chows down on some "Mystery Meat", whatever that is! Check out the link below:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sweet Wedgie Mama

Hey Girl...Big Brother is ALWAYS watching! Nice photo from our friends at WebHittz We

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Catwoman: Photos of Jocelyn Wildenstein

Question of the day...Are Outcasts born into Society or are they created by Society? The first photo here is of a young pretty Jocelyn Wildenstein. Believe it or not, the second is a photo of the same person...after numerous plastic surgery procedures (cheek & chin implants, lip collagen, eye surgery, face lift and who knows what else). If fame is what she was looking for, then I'm sure the writers at Nip/Tuck could easily write her into a scene or two. WTF was she thinking! She looks like a Halloween mask or prop used at some B-Movie film convention. She truly is a modern day Frankenstein. Oh the Horror!

Snake Tongue Girl Very Disturbing! This is definitely not for the squeamish! Watch how a girl goes through the painful process of Body Mutilation by having her tongue split in two and create her Snake-Like Forked-Tongue. Sssssssssssss

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fake Eye Insert

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Disney's Outcasts: Mickey and Mommy Boobs

WTF...Isn't there anything sacred no more? Looks like Mickey and Minnie are perking up these days! Imagine the Horror on the faces of the little 4 year old kids that had to bare witness to this. They will need psychiatric help for the rest of their lives. If I was the head of Disney I'd ban these two tramps (Mom and Daughter) FOR LIFE! But then again Britney Spears younger sister gets knocked up at 16 years old and the Disney executives decide to write a story about teenage pregnancy. Knowing those money whores at Disney they'll sign these two up and have them work the Dumbo Ride or greet the guests as they walk through Cinderella's Castle. BTW, check out Pimp Daddy (the baldheaded guy to the right of them). He's got that pedophile look to him, doesn't he? He'll probably end up on Dateline's "To Catch a Predator".

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Freakshows of Yesterday and Today

Freaks, Human Oddities and Midgets were just a few of the attractions that made Sideshows in the early part of the Twentieth Century such a huge draw. These so called Outcasts of Society that were stared at and ridiculed by much of the public seemed to find a common ground and family-like atomsphere among each other while part of the Sideshow. Whether it was the traveling circus or the many famous Coney Island Freakshows, these Outcasts found a home. (pictured is Lionel, the Lion-faced Man)

Although today's political correctiveness has reduced the famous Sideshows of yesteryear to a microcosim of their former stature, there are still quite a few attractions at Sideshows at the Seashore in Coney Island that will still amaze, astonish, and at times DISTURB you. Just check out one of Diamond Donny V (A.K.A Donny Vomit) performances.

Also check out the following link by Miss Cellania titled Coney Island Freaks of Yesterday and Today. It's a very nice historical article with photo's of many Sideshow Freaks and Performers.

...and if you like the weird, check out the 1932 horror movie Freaks (64 minutes) directed and produced by Tod Browning (director of the 1931 horror movie Dracula starring Bela Lugosi). At the time, it's deformed cast was so shocking to moviegoers that the film was banned in the United Kingdom for thirty years!

Click on the following link to check out the movie Freaks.

Creepy Midget Dance WTF! I'm speechless.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Grandma Sea Hag

WTF!!! Come give Grandma a kiss. I shot these photos while cruising the Caribbean sea on Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas. This wicked old hag of the seas greeted the ship's guests every evening as you entered the ship's casino. As Frank Sinatra's song says "Luck be a Lady Tonight". If she's the lady, then the hell with luck.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Incredible Stretching Man

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Photos of some really Weird People

Weird photos of some of Society's Outcasts: Scottish White Trash, Transvestite wanna be, Spiderman & Batman and my favorite Uncle Remus. LOL

Wednesday, January 30, 2008's Top 10 Bizzare Things You Can Buy From Wolf Urine for those pesky deer, to Stop Eating Poop for fecal eating dogs, to Uranium that you can send Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Ramadan. Some of this stuff is unbelievable and people are buying it. Check it out!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Next President or Society's Outcast?

I usually like to blog and joke about bizzare, weird and humorous people & things within our unique and diverse society. It's that uniqueness that makes the United States so GREAT! Unfortunately, today's blog is not so funny but it is rather strange. Strange because you have a person here running for the President of the United States and he refuses to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, and as the article stated, refused to say the "Pledge..." as well. Yes, we are talking about Senator Barack Obama pictured here with Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin standing during the national anthem. I don't care if you're Liberal or Conservative, Right Wing or Left, Muslim, Jewish or Christian, African-American, Asian or White, or whatever you are or believe in...I know one is UN-AMERCIAN. This complete disregard and lack of respect for our Country is appalling and offensive to me and should be to all Americans. However it is not, considering how well he is doing in the Democratic Primary. Obama is leading a very large group of blind Americans down a mis-guided path, that if elected President, will no doubt cast our Country downward to a future of misfortune, ruin and destruction. The one question I have is, if he doesn't pledge allegiance to the U.S. Flag, where does he pledge his allegiance too? a scary thought. Only time will tell if he is to be our next Commander-in-Chief or should our Society realize and decide that he is the ultimate Outcast.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tony "Bada Bing"

Yo! It's freakin Tony "Bada Bing" ova here! Looks like a character straight out of "The Sopranos". I ran into this guy last summer on the Atlantic City boardwalk where he was singing & dancing and clearly drunk out of his mind. He is one among many that were staggering and stumbling up and down the boardwalk looking for a handout. In a city that sees millions of dollars pissed down the slot machines and millions more lost with every throw of the dice do we see the other end of the spectrum...the "Lovable Loser". This guy looks like he doesn't have a pot to piss in, yet he still seems happy. Maybe it's the inebriated state of mind caused by the "sterno-can cocktale" that he found in the garbage between Caesars and Ballys...or maybe society has worn him down to the point where he just gave up. Welcome Tony "Bada Bing"!...Welcome. Welcome to Society's Outcasts!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Bigfoot on Mars?

Is this really Bigfoot? If so, it is taking a leisurely stroll during some hiking trip...on MARS! This photo was taken in 2004 by NASA's Mars explorer Spirit, and there appears to be a human-like "monster" walking upright with a startingly resemblence to the famous Bigfoot photo. Personally, I think this is another Martian hoax because when I was in New York City last year I came across this Sasquatch in the Tribeca section of lower Manhattan. As proof, I took this photo (shown below) and I decided to contact the History Channel with the hopes of having my incredible story explained on Monster Quest. Believe me, I am no expert Cryptozoologist but I know a Bigfoot when I see one...and that looks like a Bigfoot to me! I tried to get a closer look to get a better photo but the putrid stench of ripple and urine oozing from this menacing creature was so repulsive I had to cover my nose and mouth and turn away. By that time, this creature had slipped down an allyway and through to the next street. That was my first and only encounter with the legendary monster.

Friday, January 18, 2008

White Trash Choppers

Jesse James introduced West Coast Choppers to the world, then the father and son team of the Teutuls (Paul Sr. & Jr.) made Orange County Choppers famous...well what about these two! I snapped this shot at Biketoberfest 2004. Only in America can a redneck and his pre-puberty son have the ingenuity and know how to design and manufacture these sleek machines of metal and form WHITE TRASH CHOPPERS.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 SHOCKING! DEVIANT! TWISTED! WTF, This is the most disturbing homo slave master video I have ever seen. These backwoods, white trash, inbreeding hillbillies takes the movie Deliverence (" have a pretty mouth") to a whole new level of perverted deviance. The combination of this disgusting and grotesque slob of a Santa laughing while his little elf performs the lewd act of licking and sucking is well beyond vulgar and disturbing. These mind-boggling psychotic freaks will make you ponder the next time you visit your local mall Santa..."is he a closet homosexual pedophile pervert". Be sure to watch the entire video since you'll want to know..."who wants to be the Pied Piper". Ha, ha, ha.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Skip down that yellow brick road my friend and remember, it doesn't matter who you are in life...Bill Gates, Micheal Jordan or Beyonce. We all have a dream just beyond the rainbow. It could be that half eaten Big Mac that you found in the McDonald's dumpster, or that Budweiser bottle of beer you found curb side on 9th street but when you drank it you realized it was piss, or it could be that cardboard box underneath the over pass that you slept in last night. As the Aerosmith's song says...Dream on, Dream on, Dream on, Dream until your dreams come true.

My Inspiration..."I have fallen and I can't get up"

One Saturday in March 2007 I was driving on a main street somewhere in Philly, PA. While I was sitting at a traffic light I notice this guy laying at the bottom of these steps. Unfortunately, I was in a rush to get somewhere so I wasn't able to photograph him, HOWEVER, approximately an hour and a half later I was driving back and I noticed he was still there, AND he had not moved an inch. So, I whipped out my camera and took this shot. He resembles a bloated Axl Rose from Guns N Roses. He has become My Inspiration and I am please to be dedicating this blog "Society's Outcasts" to him. He taught me a very important lesson in life..."when life hits you hard and you fall down, don't bother getting back up". Thank you...whoever you are.
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